Live Your Best Life Now

Transform Your Life with our

C.O.R.E. Coaching Program

designed Just For You

Join The High Impact Mindset community and gain access to the C.O.R.E.™ Method of Success Framework you won’t find anywhere else

"True transformation begins from within, with the power of our mindset paving the way for extraordinary change. As your coach, I am your guide, confidante, and partner on this exciting journey of self-discovery and growth." - Carissa

A Life Filled with Possibilities Begins Here

Imagine waking up with a clear purpose, energized and focused to achieve your goals. You feel unstoppable and fulfilled, and every possibility seems within reach. Your relationships, health, and finances flourish as you seize opportunities. Is this the life you’ve been dreaming of?

Ever feel like you’re being ‘Punked’?

I'm not only an ICF-accredited expert coach with numerous certifications, but I've also experienced the same transformation process and achieved remarkable results. After 20 years in Corporate America, climbing the ladder to my dream role in marketing, I realized there was more to life. When I returned from maternity leave after having my third child, I was determined to excel in my senior-level corporate marketing job. Despite juggling 3 children under four years, I gave it my all every day, working long hours and weekends, constantly torn between my job and my family.

Though I had everything society deemed successful, a thriving career, a beautiful home, vacations, and children, I felt utterly depleted, burnt out, and profoundly unhappy. My journey led me to mentoring and coaching, a passion I've held for decades. Through my experiences, I've learned that having a clear path is crucial when working with a coach. Many promise results but rely on figuring things out as they go. While intuition is valuable, high achievers like you need to thrive in structure.  

What's Stopping you?

Despite your material success, do you wonder what truly fulfills your soul? Each day feels like Groundhog Day. You lack joy and passion, which makes you feel hollow inside. Are you fighting with your significant other? Have you been short with your kids? How will your life change if you keep pushing, doing, and being in action? Let me guess… you’re seeking answers in countless books and programs but finding yourself back at square one. Worrying about what others think is not helping OR feeding your own desires. So what gives? For many high achievers, you’re time-starved, constantly making decisions, and struggling to find time for personal development. You can’t commit to lengthy seminars or endless self-help books. You need something fast, effective, and impactful that fits your busy schedule. You need the best and fastest solution to break free from these barriers and achieve lasting change.

Introducing The C.O.R.E Coaching Program

The C.O.R.E (Clarity, Overcome, Rewire, Empower) Method of Success Framework is the Ultimate program for High Achievers with step-by-step plans and reusable tools. This program ensures continuous growth and success both personally and professionally.

In just 3 months, transform your mindset and ignite your journey with my expertise in rapid rewire techniques. Eliminate limiting beliefs and equip yourself for lasting change.

This comprehensive method includes tools such as hypnotherapy, EFT Tapping, healing work, high performance time management, and more. Uplevel in your life now, and see what’s waiting for you.

Why The Ultimate Impact Coaching Program??

Because wishing isn't working. Accelerate your results by rewiring your brain for purposeful action and new perspectives. You can achieve more balance, success, and time for yourself. You will gain the courage and confidence to take risks, enjoy downtime, and effortlessly attract everything you desire.

Life is too short not to embrace every ounce of magic available to you, trusting the world is unfolding for your highest good. Feel secure knowing you embody your true self, heal your inner child, and create empowering beliefs aligned with your authentic journey. Spark your creativity, elevate your vibration, and show up as the best version of you, both professionally and personally, leaving a lasting legacy and making a meaningful impact in the world.

Meet Carissa

Carissa is a dynamic force in the world of personal development, committed to empowering individuals to unlock their fullest potential and live authentically. As an ICF Accredited Coach, Carissa has a unique ability to help clients swiftly identify and overcome limiting beliefs, paving the way for extraordinary transformation. Her straightforward, high-impact approach is designed to simplify tools and resources for busy professionals, enabling them to achieve remarkable success in all areas of life.

With a rich Marketing Strategy And Corporate Executive background, Carissa understands the pressures of high-performance environments. She leverages this experience to guide clients through her C.O.R.E Method of Success Framework, a powerful asset that helps individuals recalibrate their mindset and conquer the blocks holding them back from their highest potential.

In addition to founding The High Impact Mindset Co., Carissa is passionate about creating sustainable businesses that thrive and contribute positively to the world. As a successful entrepreneur and a busy mom of three, she knows firsthand the challenges of balancing multiple roles and responsibilities.

A firm believer in the power of mindset, Carissa holds numerous certifications, including:

  • ICF Accredited Coach

  • Certified High-Performance Coach

  • Certified Mindset Coach

  • World Class Certified Quantum Coach

  • Certified Hypnosis Practitioner

  • Certified Quantum Group Coach

  • Certified T.I.M.E. Technique Practitioner

  • Certified Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner

  • Certified Success + Life Coach

  • Certified Quantum Life Energy Coach

  • Certified NLP Practitioner

  • Certified Reiki Level 2 Practitioner

She is also a devoted yoga practitioner and an advocate of the law of attraction and energy healing, principles that she integrates into her coaching to foster holistic growth and well-being.

Hosting a popular Facebook Live Stream Series, Carissa shares insights and strategies to help listeners achieve their dreams and live extraordinary lives.

Carissa helps clients achieve abundance, time freedom, improved health, and strong relationships through her transformative coaching programs. Her mission is to guide individuals on a journey of self-discovery and growth, empowering them to live lives beyond their wildest dreams.

The key to success is a Coach

This 12-week package includes:

  • 9x 60-minute coaching sessions with Carissa, founder of The High Impact Mindset Co.

  • 12 Weeks of unlimited Voxer Support

  • A printed workbook/journal mailed to your home

  • 3 months of access to Kutima, a habit-tracking app to help you monitor your progress!

Invest in your IMPACT, find your purpose, and Transform Your Life

Think about the cost of ongoing indecision, missed opportunities, and the emotional toll of feeling stuck. The Ultimate Impact Program is a fraction of what you would spend on prolonged talk therapy, unproductive self-help methods, and indulging in countless self-help books. Get clarity and a path forward now.  

Is it worth it to you?

Transform your mindset and ignite your journey with Ultimate Impact . The life you’ve always dreamed of is waiting for you, and I’m ready to support you 1,000%


I've had negative experiences with coaching in the past and never followed through. How is this different?

This program is designed to be completed in just 3 months. You can do anything for 3 months! Plus, you'll receive live support through Voxer and have access to KUTIMA, a habit tracking app to keep you on track!

What if I feel uncertain or vulnerable during the process?

It's completely normal to feel uncertain or vulnerable. Our 1:1 coaching is designed to help you trust the process and yourself. By the end, you'll have a solid understanding of what you want, a comprehensive game plan, and a clear path forward. We'll go deep and fast, but it will personalized to you, uncovering and addressing beliefs and emotions that have been layered over time.

How intensive is the program?

It’s 12 weeks of coaching/support and focuses specifically on individualized goals. We'll explore all avenues of your life, assess where you are, and make small but impactful tweaks to bring everything into balance. It’s a whole process to spark joy and align your entire life.

Are you open to offering a money-back guarantee?

While we do not offer a money-back guarantee, we can work with you on a pro-rated basis if the coaching relationship is not a great fit!

What if I don’t know where to start or feel overwhelmed?

This program is designed to provide you with a clear, step-by-step path. You'll have access to techniques that help you tap into your true desires and uncover what lights you up. The process examines all aspects of your life to ensure a holistic transformation.

How will this coaching help me if I feel stuck or unfulfilled?

The Ultimate Impact Program will help you identify and address the areas of your life that are out of balance. By addressing emotions like shame and guilt, you can step into your power and see all the possibilities available to you. Through our 1:1 coaching sessions I will guide you to a more positive and empowered outlook on life resulting in incredible transformations.

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